17th September 2024

Search Eckington Parish Council

Serving the people in the parish of Eckington

  • Burial Records Surname Forename (PDF, 5.2 Mb)

    If you wish to locate a grave, please follow these simple instructions. If you are unable to locate the information you require, please contact the Cemetery Manager admin@eckington-pc.gov.uk Tel:07715 663946

    - First find the person in one of the burial records files below, and get the grave number and section from that.
    - Second, search in the relevant map for the grave number, to find the approximate location.
    - Note that the Ashes Section grave numbers are found in the New Section map
    - Note that for each burial, there is a link to the relevant page of the original cemetery book

  • Burial Records Forname (PDF, 4.8 Mb)

  • Burial Records by Grave Number (PDF, 5.1 Mb)

  • Burial records by number (PDF, 4.8 Mb)

  • New Section Map Single Page (PDF, 457 Kb)

    This map shows the location of the graves in the New Section, this can be located in the upper part of the Cemetery near Windmill Greenway

  • New Section Map, 4 pages (PDF, 462 Kb)

    This map shows the location of the graves and ashes plots in the New Section, this can be located in the upper part of the Cemetery near Windmill Greenway

  • New Section map with names on 6 pages (PDF, 397 Kb)

    his map shows the location of the graves and ashes plots in the New Section with names, this can be located in the upper part of the Cemetery near Windmill Greenway

  • Cemetery Old Section Map 4 pages (PDF, 542 Kb)

    This map contains graves of the Old Section on four pages, this is located towards the bottom of the cemetery

  • Cemetery Map Old Section with names 6 pages (PDF, 570 Kb)

    This map contains graves of the Old Section with names over 6 pages, this is located towards the bottom of the cemetery

  • Cemetery map Old Section, single page (PDF, 416 Kb)

    This map contains graves of the Old Section, this is located towards the bottom of the cemetery

Last updated: Mon, 03 Jul 2023 14:31