17th September 2024

Search Eckington Parish Council

Serving the people in the parish of Eckington

Remembrance Service 2023

Join us on Sunday 12th November for Remembrance Day service. It is a day when we honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty during the First World War.

There are two services within our Parish Council. One in Eckington and other in Ridgeway.

The Parade will form up on Fanshaw road/One Stop shop at 9am and soon set off to St Peter and Paul Church, Eckington for the service there at 9.45am. Following the church service, the congregation will walk to the War Memorial on Church Street for the Act of Remembrance and 2 Minutes Silence at 11am.

Detailed agenda is outlined below for each venue along with readings and hymns. Refreshment will be served in church after the services have ended.

Please contact the parish council if you can help with the road closures -
email deputy@eckington-pc.gov.co.uk .

The Ridgeway war memorial was decorated by the Parish Council and Cllr Andy Dye.

Marsh Lane Memorial is beautifully decorated by Marsh Lane TARA group.

Marsh Lane Memorial is beautifully decorated by Marsh Lane TARA group.

Decorated Memorial War in Renishaw.

Last updated: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 14:32