21st December 2024

Search Eckington Parish Council

Serving the people in the parish of Eckington

Who we are & what we do

Eckington Parish Council consists of 17 elected councillors who serve for a four year term.

Council Meetings are normally held on the 1st Tuesday of each month, except August - see the diary of meetings for more information.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.


Our councillors are elected or co-opted, if you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the Clerk to the Council.

Eckington Parish Council Standing Orders

  • Standing Orders (PDF, 373 Kb)

    Eckington Parish Council's Standing Orders approved at a Full Council meeting Tuesday 7 May 2024

Our Staff

We have a Clerk and Deputy Clerk to the Council that works with North East Derbyshire District Council and Derbyshire County Council to deliver the range of services. They can be contacted by phone or email.

The Cemetery and Civic Centre Manager Rosanna, manages the Cemetery and Civic Centre.

There are two members of staff John and Paul who are responsible for the burials and maintenance of the cemetery. Our outdoor staff members are Dave and Russell, they look after the general maintenance of the Community halls and the green spaces owned by the Parish Council.

There are three members of staff and a team of bank staff who work at the Civic Centre providing a wide range of events and activities for the community.

Emma Smith

Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

Eckington Parish Council

Emma -Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

Eckington Civic Centre
07715 668815

Terri Homyard

Deputy Clerk

Eckington Parish Council

Terri - Deputy Clerk

Eckington Civic Centre

Rosanna Hill

Cemetery & Civic Centre Manager

Eckington Civic Centre

Rosanna - Cemetery & Civic Centre Manager

Eckington Civic Centre
07715 663946

Veronika Fletcher

Marketing Officer

Eckington Civic Centre
Market street

Last updated: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 12:12